If You Can't Please Your Woman In Bed... Then She May Be Thinking Of Leaving - Ejaculation Therapy

I Had To Learn These Secrets Over
Time... Through Lots Of Trial And Error

For as long as I could remember, premature ejaculation was easily my number one issue in life. And it really tore me apart inside and did a number on my confidence levels.
I'd never feel very manly when I got off before my woman even had a chance to get warmed up.
The first time I ever had sex, I climaxed in about 10 seconds. But I figured that was normal, and in fact, I didn't care because I was ready to go again in no time.
But as I got older, it got worse. I was still coming in under one minute... but this time, I couldn't get excited and ready again.
It was VERY frustrating for me because I couldn't satisfy my partner. So it always left my women wanting more.
And it left me feeling inadequate.

If You Can't Please Your Woman In Bed...
Then She May Be Thinking Of Leaving

I was always worried and fearful that the women I dated would get sick of it and leave me for other men.
Only after getting TOTALLY FED UP with not knowing how to end my premature ejaculation did I finally make the decision to figure it out for myself.
So I tried the "stop and start" method... but this required a great deal of couple cooperation and communication and it was pretty difficult to use.
I tried the the "squeeze" method too... but this technique actually brought me to climax sooner.
I even tried anti-depressants and other SSRIs... but taking these anti-depressants actually took away my sex drive completely. So I was actually worse off.
I tried a bunch of different benzocaine creams and sprays that were supposed to deaden my sensations and reduce stimulation.
The biggest problem was... they were messy, expensive, and pretty inconvenient. I had to apply them about 10 minutes before having sex, so that meant I could never have spontaneous sex.
I also tried condoms that had different sensitivity levels... but nothing seemed to work at all.
It took me several years of trial and error, learning from my own mistakes and figuring things out the HARD WAY... but I did it.

How I Discovered The Secrets That
Finally Changed My Sex Life...

I spent years reading and studying all of the books, medical journals, and information on how to prolong sex and not ejaculate so fast.
I discovered that my problem was because of how I was "thinking" about sex.
The fact is... premature ejaculation is almost always caused by too much mental stimulation.
Your mind... NOT your body... controls what happens when you're about to have sex. So you have to start there if you want to change your situation.
In other words, you MUST first change your thoughts.
Always thinking about your premature ejaculation can lead to performance anxiety.
Getting your thoughts under control will take the PRESSURE off of you. So you won't ever have to worry about performance anxiety (which makes it even worse).
This performance anxiety... which leads to more pressure, feelings of inadequacy, worry that it will happen again... these are HUGE roadblocks in your brain that you MUST overcome if you want to learn how to control your ejaculation.



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